Potter League is one of the most state-of-the-art animals shelters in the United States, with annual admissions of 2,000 animals.
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Not content to let sleeping dogs lie, they set out to build a state-of-the-art website to match, bringing Aftershock on board to craft every element of the user experience. We were happy to play Milo to their Otis.
Non-profit, Pets
1 year
UX Design, UI Design, Art Direction, Branding, Front End Development, Back End Development, Wordpress
The Challenge
Using their logo as a starting point, we expanded the brand’s visual identity into a complementary palette of green and orange hues. Paired with a clear but understated typographical hierarchy, we created a fun, charming aesthetic that retains the authority of a nearly century-old institution. This new-meets-old approach also informed our custom iconography, which brings a relaxed feeling to the user experience while driving clear calls to action.

Pawing Around
With a multitude of audiences accessing the website every day, no element of the user experience could be left to chance. Through several iterations of wireframing, we converged on a layout that organizes the vast array of programs and services according to priority. Whether you’re making a generous donation, signing up for summer camp, or confirming next week’s cat yoga class, no action is more than a click or two away.
Adorable animals may not need design expertise, but a multifaceted organization is a different story: donations, well-curated events, and other community activities have kept operations purring along at Potter League for decades. Using a suite of plugins—including one we custom built—we helped ensure that users are never thrown off-site onto poorly branded third-party forms.

A League Of Its Own
Like a great animal companion, Potter League’s new website isn’t meant to merely be admired, but experienced. With attention afforded up front to content management and the unique experiences of each audience, we fashioned a site where every dog (and cat, and rabbit) can have its day.
I want to build something like this
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